Welcome To Shanti International

Reduces Pollution

Composting keeps organic matter out of landfills, reducing the amount of methane production happening in garbage disposal areas.

Promotes Healthy Growth

Enriches soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests.Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.

Reduces Toxins

Soils that have been exposed to toxic matter, such as fuels or pesticides, regenerate into healthy soil faster if composted soil is added to the mix.

Prevents Erosion

Compost strategically placed can eliminate or reduce erosion near water, on hills, the side of the road and even at golf courses and playing fields.

Organic Waste Converter

HAP ( Health Age Products )

We help you manage your waste in an efficient, economical and eco-friendly manner with a complete organic waste management solution designed today, for a greener tomorrow.

During shedding the wet waste is broken into about a hundred of it's size. Post treatment by these machines (Shredder) the wet waste (kitchen wast) is kept for about 5 days to convert it into compost (Organic Khaad).

  • Can handle 1100 KG compost
  • Consumes low electricity
  • Approximately INR 7,000/- a month
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About Shanti International

Shanti International is a decade old company into selling of environment friendly machineries. Started by individuals, it has become a revolution in the environment industry today. For the city and environmental cleaning aspect, Shanti International is a name to trust upon.

We help you manage your waste in an efficient, economical and eco-friendly manner with a complete organic waste management solution designed today, for a greener tomorrow. The producers of HAP, Shanti International is one of the foremost players in the area of Integrated Waste Management.

Shanti International believes that the waste management must start from the house hold to make the city and the nation cleaner. We believe in hon'ble. Prime Minister - Shri. Narendra Modi’s clean India dirve (swatch bharat abhaiyaan) and sell machines made in India.

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